Wendy Drennan | Pedagogical Director/Mentor
Wendy grew up in Wisconsin where she attended a small, liberal arts high school based on the philosophies of Henry David Thoreau, and was first introduced to Waldorf Education during her senior year research project. She went on to attend the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee where she studied Biology and Literature. While working in a genetics science clinic after college she found that a career in the lab was void of human contact, and was not her life’s work. She switched directions to attend Antioch University in Keene, NH for her Waldorf Teacher Training. Wendy loves that the study of Anthroposophy is a perfect marriage of her interests in science and art.
Wendy has worked in Waldorf schools in Oregon, Wisconsin and Maine. She has three children and is married to Dennis Drennan, also a grades teacher at Seacoast Waldorf School. She enjoys reading, sewing, art and spending time in nature.